Materials Mechanics Beyond the Horizon

Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of Alan Needleman

May 26 - 28, 2024 / Madrid, Spain

Materials Mechanics Beyond the Horizon - Technical Program

The Materials Mechanics Beyond the Horizon workshop will commence with a welcome reception on Sunday, May 26th, followed by four thematic sessions held on Monday, May 27th and Tuesday, May 28th. The banquet dinner will be held on the evening of Monday, May 27th.

The four thematic sessions of the workshop will be dedicated to in-depth discussions on various aspects related to the state-of-the-art, recent advancements, challenges, and differing approaches and views within their respective fields. Each session will follow a format comprising four invited 30-minute “position” talks (including time for brief Q&A), followed by one-hour-long discussion sessions led by moderators. The “position” talks will go beyond generic conference-style research presentations and instead delve into state-of-the-art research, recent advancements, challenges, and various approaches and perspectives on topics aligned with the overarching theme of the specific technical session.

The moderators and speakers for each of the four thematic areas, along with a tentative schedule (the session schedules are fixed; however, the sequence of talks within a session may change), are as follows: